Is Shea Butter Good For Eczema

Is shea butter good for eczema

An Effective Treatment

There are millions of people in the U.S that suffer from eczema.  Some for different reasons than others.  It is a very uncomfortable skin condition and causes dry, itchy skin.  For some it is hard to find a treatment that is safe and will work effectively. This leads to the question of is shea butter good for eczema. I love shea butter because I see what it has done for my son’s skin. The types of treatment and products you decide to use will determine how well your eczema will be healed.  Eczema causes the skin to become dehydrated so an effective moisturizer is something that is necessary for a skin condition such as this one.

Is Shea Butter Really Good For Eczema?

Shea butter is one of the best moisturizers for the skin, and an excellent natural moisturizer great for healing eczema.  It absorbs nicely into the skin and gets rid of that dry itchy feeling.  Shea butter is also good for eczema because it is pure.  The butter does not contain any other harmful ingredients, that can make your eczema flair up and cause you more discomfort.  Eczema also tends to discolor the skin.  This was something I experienced with my son when he had chronic flair up.  After the breakout it would leave it skin with dark patchy marks.  Shea butter evened is skin tone and got rid of the dark spots that were on his arms.

Last Longer Than Other Moisturizers

When you suffer from eczema you want a product that will work for you.  Shea butter is known to work more effectively than many lotions and other skin care products.  Because of shea butters high oil content and fatty acids it deeply penetrates into the skin. When this happens the skin can generate new cells.  Also, you will love the fact that shea butter does not sit on top of the skin like many lotions do.  Which means that it won’t leave your skin feeling greasy and clog your pores.  Lotions that sit on top of the skin give you the illusion of having moisturized skin.  In reality, shortly after it is applied your skin feels dry again.

Contains The Most Important Vitamins For Skin Health

Shea butter is good for eczema because it contains vitamins A, E and F.  These vitamins are known to help and heal itchy dry skin that gets inflamed from constant irritation.  Vitamin A promotes natural moisturzing, prevents breakouts and speeds up the healing process for skin that has been damaged.  It also keeps the epidermis healthy.  Vitamin E is an antioxidant and removes any free radicals that cause skin irritation.  It aides in cellular restoration and heals scars and burns.  Vitamin F is essential for all skin types. This vitamin has the ability to retain moisture in the skin because it hydrates.  It also reduces inflammation, which is an important part of treating eczema.

Shea Butter Is Anti-Inflammatory

A frustrating challenge that many of you eczema sufferers is skin irritation.  Eczema can cause the skin to become easily irritated whether it be from using the wrong laundry detergent, body soap or even wearing a brand new t-shirt fresh out of the packaging before it is washed.  I know, it gets old after a while.  Elements such as dusts and other airborne irritants can take a toll on the skin.  When shea butter is used it creates a protective barrier on sensitive skin.  Of course with less irritated skin comes more healthy, supple and soft skin tone.

100% Natural

One other reason shea butter is good for eczema is it is all natural.  This is important to note because the reason there are so many eczema sufferers today, is because the products that are being used on the skin are not feasible.  Store bought products for eczema sometimes contain irritants such as sulfates and alcohols that dry out the skin even more.  The great news is when you purchase raw unrefined shea butter you’ll be investing in a moisturizer that is pure and healthy for your skin.  Unrefined shea butter does not contain any preservatives, chemicals or additives.  All of which are counter productive if you are trying to reverse eczema and heal your skin.

Purchase Organic

To get an even better result when using shea butter for eczema, it is best that you go organic.  Organic shea butter is grown without the addition of any pesticides.  An organic shea butter works more effectively and efficiently because the product has not been altered in anyway.  The cost is a bit more but it is worth it to spend a few extra bucks for quality and a piece of mind.  Furthermore, you will avoid risking making your eczema worst because it wont contain any synthetic ingredients.