What is hair type? The hair typing system is about your hair’s curl pattern. The hair type system starts from type 1 hair (straight hair). Type 2 which has a wavy curl pattern. Type 3 hair is curly and type 4 is kinky/coily hair. The hair type chart was created by Andre Walker. He is also Oprah Winfrey’s hair stylist. I appreciate the hair typing system because it helps you to know and get to understand your texture. It also helps to teach you what your hair needs and what products may or may not work with your hair. The key is knowing that everyone’s hair is different and no head of hair is the same. Hair also does not require the same techniques, care and natural hair care products.
When you understand your hair type it will save you frustration and having hair growth set backs. For example, coarse hair (4c hair) requires lots of deep conditioning, gentle combing and moisture. By implementing these steps in your natural hair care routine you’ll notice how much hair growth you will retain. Someone with coarse hair cannot take care or have the same hair regimen as a person who has 3 type hair. A woman with 3 type hair(looser curls) may be able to comb her hair more often, skip out on deep conditioning and be able to use more heat.