As mentioned previously to start growing your edges back, you have to first change your styling habits. Any styling habits that are causing you to lose your hair needs to cease. This means that when you have wigs, weaves and braids installed they should not be tight. If you have a headache or it looks like you have just gotten a facelift…It’s a NO! Your scalp is telling you that something is wrong. If you constantly do these styles without taking precautions you will lose your hair permanently. After this point it is nearly impossible to grow your hair back. Communicating with your hair stylist about how tight the style is, is a must.
Speak up for yourself. If the style is too tight , communicate that to your stylist. I know that sometimes we feel that we are being a pain in the a**. But in the end it is you that will have to deal with the consequences down the line. Remember tight isn’t right! You can’t continue to have these styles and expect to grow your edges back. You have to stop the bad habits in order to progress.