Foods For Healthy Skin

Foods For Healthy Skin

Choose The Proper Foods For Healthy Skin

Understanding how important nutrition is for your health and having healthy skin is vital.  When there is an unhealthy diet you can guarantee that there will be a sign of weight gain, damaged organs and metabolism. All of which have an effect on the appearance of your skin.  Your skin is the largest organ of your body and the foods that you eat will also impact how healthy your skin will look.  The foods that you choose to eat will certainly have an effect on how well your skin will age.  No matter how many natural skin care products you use, you have to fix the issues on the inside of your body.  This is in conjunction with the products to see major results.  Here are the top 7 foods for healthy skin.


Avocados are packed with healthy fats.  The fats in this fruit contribute to the health of your skin.  They also help to keep the skin moisturized and flexible.  One additional bonus in eating avocados is the protection from sun damage.  Avocados are high in Vitamin E.  Vitamin E is an important antioxidant and it protects your skin from oxidative damage.


We’ve heard it over and over again. Drink water, drink water, drink water! Trust me I get it.  It is not the most ideal beverage or number one pick when you’re out to eat but nonetheless your skin needs it.  Especially if you want healthy skin.  Drinking water is one of the best gifts you can give to your skin besides a dope natural skin care product( whipped shea butter, cocoa butter).  

Water keeps your skin moist which in turn makes wrinkles and lines much less noticeable.  I always speak on how important it is to have water apart of your diet for skin, hair and health purposes.  Water helps your cells to get rid of toxins and take in nutrients.  This keeps healthy blood flow and gives your skin a glow.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil has become insanely popular over the last 10 years or so.  It does wonders at keeping the skin hydrated.  It’s why you see it as a listed ingredient in natural skin care products.  Here at butta babee it is a main ingredient in our whipped shea butter blend because of all the awesome benefits it offers the skin.  What I really like about coconut oil is, it can be applied topically and taken internally.  Taking it internally will allow the nutrients from the oil to travel through the bloodstream and work from the inside out. Also, known for its anti-aging properties and is also high in vitamin e and a. It is one of the more popular foods for healthy skin.

Spinach ( Green Leafy Vegetables)

Spinach should be included in your diet.  Spinach might be hated by many but it is a source of vitamin e, chlorophyll, folate, iron, vitamin a, magnesium, vitamin c and fiber.  The antioxidants contained in spinach have the ability to combat skin conditions. Spinach cleans your skin from the inside out.  This goes for only green leafy vegetables.  The green pigment in vegetables are known as chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll will help to keep the skin soft and supple.  This vegetable offers some of the most powerful antioxidants and vitamins. Without them, your body will not create collagen and new skin cells.

Dark Chocolate

Yes you read that right, dark chocolate! but without the added sugars.  I know, it takes the fun away from it all but, hey.  You want to make sure your are eating the right type of chocolate because not all chocolate is created equally.  Dark chocolate contains cocoa butter and no milk.  Compared to other types of chocolates, dark chocolate holds the greatest percentage of cocoa butter which ranges from 30-80%.  It promotes cell growth, detoxifies and heals your skin and reduces inflammation.  Inflammation is an issue that people with skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis battle with.  This food will help you to experience relief.


Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc. you name it, it’s probably good for your skin health.  These fruits are probably some of the easiest foods to include in your daily diet.  Let’s be honest, they are delicious and even more delicious when they can be found in season.  On the upside they are rich in vitamin c and helps to produce collagen and contains antioxidants.  One cup of berries per day with your breakfast or during snack will help you to get the necessary amount needed.


Walnuts are known as the skin superfood.  Walnuts are packed with Omega 3 fats that strengthen skin cell membranes.  They help to lock in moisture in your skins pores and retain nutrients.  The moisture and nutrients will keep your skin glowing and stop toxins from entering your pores and causing damage to your cells. You’d be happy to know that the healthy fats in walnuts can reduce skin inflammation and cause less breakouts.  Walnuts are a healthy snack and can also be an addition to a salad for taste and texture.